The Tale of Some LOLinsane Teenage Slenderproxy

It was a normal non-spooky day in a normal non-spooky town. Sun shined bright in the sky, butterflies and bees were flying around in the flower fields, kids were rushing to school...a peaceful sight, isn't it? It seems like nothing can go wrong...Well, NO SHIT! Something very creepy and spooky was about to happen to those kids who were rushing to school, because stories like this NEVER end well!
The kids weren't alone. Someone very evil and creepy was watching them! There, in the forest on the other side of the road, behing the tree, was standing a strange and spooky human-like figure...and, of course, it was no one other than Slendurrman! Kids never went in that forest because the ground was covered in broken bottles, syringes, dog shit and other stuff like that, so here he could quietly and peacefully wank his slender dick to dem hawt underage lolis and shotas...what, you didn't know that Slendurrman is a pedo? Well, the more you know!
Anyways, for some reason, a ditzy blonde schoolgirl with black, green and purple paint in her hair for no apparent reason decided to walk over the road and go into the forest. But then she forgot why she was walking in there and decided to go back, but went the short way. And, of course, as you already guessed, she saw our old friend Slendurrman jerking off behind the tree! At first she didn't know what to do, but then she decided to do a very stupid fucking thing - pick a syringe from the ground, and...
Upon feeling his buttcheek being stabbed, Pedoman shrieked like a little girl, and the dumb cunt who asstabbed him did the same, well, because she WAS a little girl! He then turned around and gazed upon her with a super scary hyperrealistic face, and said...
"Hello, little girl, want to be my proxy? :3"
"Of course!" - she said with a super excited look on her face and eyes sparkling with happiness - it was her dream to become an edgy slenderproxy and stab people with other assta monsturz!
"Then you'll have to stab some peeps for me!"
"Okie! ^3^" - and the little shit ran away squeeling like...a playful schoolgirl? But that's because she was one.
After the school, she went to her home and started preparations for what was going to be called "Slendurrman Prawksee Stab-Stab Masakur" by the dwellers of the town. She took her best hoodie, best skirt, a marker and drew the Operator symbol on them. Then she took a piece of cardboard and made a SPOOKY! mask out of it.
The next morning she put on her hoodie, skirt, fishnets, weird pink-gray boots, grabbed a knife from the kitchen and ran in the school.
When the classm8ts and the teacher were all in the room, she put on her mask, took a knife and stabbed them all while yelling "4 SLENDURRMAN!!!1!!111!!!", then she went around the school and stabbed everyone. After that, she ran out in the streets and just stabbed every random person she saw. When she got tired of stabbing everyone, she returned to her home and commited TEH SUICIDZ!!1!!!!1!111!!!, because, as all the wangsty teenagers know, it's a perfect solution for EVERYHING! :D
After that, she became a ghost and served Slendurrman. Now she's haunting ditzy schoolgirls like her, making them stab peepz 4 tEH sLEnDURrMAn!!111!111!!!!11!1!!!!
And yes, this story is 100000% 4 REEL GUEYZ, and there's even a solid proof to that, a.k.a ditzy schoolgirls Slendurrstabbing people.